Tavistock Bow

Dominating West End property.

average property value
YOY PPC Conversions
1 %
CR increase
1 %

How TT.D helped Tavistock Bow

Tavistock Bow had been referred to us by the web developer, he knew their new ‘not a normal estate agency website’ needed ongoing love-and-care from an experienced team of property digital marketing consultants. 

The site was at the latest stages of design and going into development, our team advised on the design and mitigated any issues with the design and subsequent architecture that might impact SEO. 

We then thoroughly researched the locations that Tavistock Bow manage Sales and Lettings in, giving us the knowledge to launch the optimised site and Valuation request PPC campaigns. 


97% Conversion Rate increase YOY


385% Increase in PPC Conversions YOY

Keyword position

378 keyword rankings UP 9% YOY

How we did it…

Having ThursdayThinking.Digital supporting the design and build process is the best option for any proposed site launch. This means we can get into the objectives and ensure no issues are being built into the site, these usually need reversing once launched. 

Once the site was launched, we audited the launch using third-party tools and create a snagging list to continually improve performance. It turned out that the hosting service being used was sub-standard and so we migrated the site onto our servers giving it a boost from 34/100 to 98/100 on Page Speed Insights. This also had a positive impact on rankings and conversion rate. 

Our initial SEO optimisation resulted in an improvement in rankings with ongoing tweaking and optimisation occurring each month. Beyond this we needed to build out SEO optimised landing pages, these would rank for core keywords but also serve the PPC campaigns. 

Ready to become our next success story?

Don’t let potential customers slip through the cracks. Elevate your website’s visibility and watch your business grow.